Saturday, March 29, 2014



autor - author: Mihailo Radosavljevic


          Magični kod, program koji je napravio haker od 13 godina u 2017. godini. Kod koji može da sruši kompletan sistem, bankarski, vojni, korporativni i resetuje civilizaciju. Grupa naučnika otkriva postojanje tog koda negde na svetskoj mreži jer se on konstantno seli sa servera na server i čeka svoju aktivaciju od hakera ili onoga koji zna kako da mu pristupi. Naučnici prijavljuju svojim finansijerima svetskim bankarima i korporacijama postojanje ogromne opasnosti za sve njih i počinje trka i za programom i za autorom. Grupa mladih anarhista i revolucionara takođe otkriva postojanje tog koda i kreće u istru trku sa ciljem da aktiviraju program. Haker se nalazi između dve vatre i beži iz zemlje u zemlju i završava u Amazonu među urođenicima. Tamo ga upućuju u šamanstvo i primaju za člana plemena. Uz pomoć biljaka on sanja i dobija odgovor koja mu je sudbina i kako da postupi. Obe grupe mu se sve više približavaju i tu kreće rasplet događaja…

         Magic code, program made by a 13 year old hacker in a year of 2017. The code can shut down complete system, banks, military, corporations, and it can reset the civilization.A group of scientists discover that somewhere on the web that code exists and that it is moving from one server to another and make hidden copies, where it awaits the activation from someone who can step into contact in the right way. Scientist report this to their financiers banks and corporations and the race begins. Everyone is looking for the code and its maker. Also the group of young anarchists and revolutionaries discovers the existence of the code, and the want to activate it so they join the race. Hacker is between two fires and he runs away from the country and ends up in Amazon where he meets native Indian tribes. They learn him the ways of shaman there and receive him into the tribe. With the help of indigenous and their herbs he dreams and gets the answer on what his fate is and what to do. Both sides are coming for him as he prepares for his destiny...

Baza u džungli - Jungle Base Camp

           U vojnu bazu koja se nalazi na udaljenoj lokaciji u džungli dolazi nova grupa vojnika i naučnika koja treba da obavi određeni zadatak i ispita neka bio oružja. Tokom redovnih aktivnosti jedan po jedan nestaju iz noći u noć. Neki se vrate posle nekoliko dana, neki ne. Istražujući šta se događa dolazi im novi vojni inspektor (inteligentan i vispren tipa Šerlok Holmsa) koji prateći situaciju dolazi do delova mozaika, ali ni ne sluti da je to samo početak njegovih muka. Vojnici i osoblje počinju da se menjaju, sa njima se događaju čudne stvari od proširenih površinskih kapilara do posebne nenormalne gladi, gladi za ljudskim mesom…

        A group of soldiers comes to a distant base camp located in the jungle. They have the mission to investigate some bio weapon. During their regular activities one by one they disappear. Some of them comes back after a few days, and some do not. A new army inspector (intelligent and sharp like Sherlock Holmes) follows the situation and fills in the puzzle parts. But he doesn't expect true nature of the problem. Also he fights with inner fears. Soldiers and stuff begins transformation, from surface blood vessels that are grown unto the great hunger they feel, the hunger for human flesh...

Bezgrešno začeće – Immaculate Conception

             Dogodilo se „Božije čudo“, devojčica od 16 godina ostala je trudna a ipak je virgo intacta. Posle silnih pregleda doktora i stručnjaka pozivaju se istražitelji iz Vatikana i predstavnici drugih hrišćanskih crkava da svedoče o tom čudu. I pored sve medijske pažnje i pritiska crkve neko želi da naudi devojci. Događaju se različiti pokušaji njenog ubistva. Dva sveštenika vatikanski i moskovski učiniće sve da pomognu devojci da ostane živa, ali i njih i ostale igrače očekuje neverovatna i nemoguća istina na kraju raspleta priče. Da li je u pitanju fenomen ili se neko sa drugih svetova igra devojčinom i sudbinom sveta…

            "God s miracle"  happens, 16 year old girl is pregnant and she is Virgo Intacta - Virgin. After numerous examination of doctors and experts investigators are coming from Vatican and other Christian churches to testify on the miracle. In spite of all the media attention someone want to kill the girl. Several attempts are made. Two investigators clerics one from Vatican and the other from Moscow want to help the girl to stay alive, but astonishing truth is expecting them at the end of the story. Is it just the phenomena or someone from other worlds is making a game of girl s life and the fate of the world...  

U drugu svrhu  - Other Causes

               Režiser koji nije dugo vremena angažovan dolazi do scenarija u koji veruje i počinje da prikuplja sredstva za film. Nada se da će time napraviti veliki povratak i ponovni uspeh. Jureći od studija do studija nailazi na producente jedne velike filmske kompanije koji su spremni da ulože u film, ali pod njihovim uslovima. Režiser pristaje na sve samo da film snimi, ali kako film počinje da se radi stvarnost i fikcija iz scenarija se polako ukrštaju. Korupcija i pranje novca u filmu i van njega postaju sve više očigledni reditelju. On dolazi u sukob sa samim sobom i svojim osećajem za moral i ljudskost kada uviđa strašnu pozadinu svojih finansijera i njihovih saradnika kartela za trgovinu ljudima i ljudskim organima…

               Unemployed director, once famous, comes in possession of a script that he believes in and he starts to raise money to make it. He hopes that he will make a great comeback and success. He goes from studio to studio and finally finds the producers willing to give the money. But they have some special conditions. He agrees on everything to make the movie but as the filming begins fiction and reality overlap. Corruption and money laundering in the movie and in reality become obvious to director. He confronts himself and his morality and humanity when he sees the horrible truth in the background of his financiers and their cooperatives cartel for human and organ trafficking...

Uslovna predaja – Conditions Of surender

               Mlada jevrejka pripadnica pokreta otpora u malom francuskom gradu uspešno obavlja svoje diverzije i zadatke sve do trenutka dok je ss odred ne uhvati u jednoj raciji. Dovode je do mladog ss majora koji treba da je ispita. Njih dvoje se zaljubljuju na prvi pogled. On rešava da je spase i sakrije u jednu udaljenu kuću u šumi pored grada. Dolazi i posećuje je, a ona je primorana da ne napušta skrovište. Nakon godinu dana dolazi do invazije na Normandiju i grad biva oslobođen pre nego što major uspe da pobegne. Jevrejka se vraća svojima iz pokreta otpora i dobija zadatak da uhvaćenog majora odvede u šumu i ubije ga. Ostavlja pratnju za sobom i sa uperenim pištoljem odvodi majora duboko u šumu…

                A young Jewish girl is a member of the resistance in France during Second World War. She has good results in her small French town until SS division captures her in a bust. They bring her to a young handsome SS Major and during interrogation they fall in love. He decides to save the girl and he hides her in a cabin in the woods near the town. He comes and visits her often and she cannot escape from there. After a year Allies come to Normandy and the town is liberated. But the Major is now a prisoner of French resistance and Jewish girl gets the assignment to kill him in the woods. She tells off the others and she goes with a gun and Major into the woods...

Nakupci duša – Soul Resellers

             Posećujući razne društvene mreže na internetu nezaposleni tridesetogodišnjak Brad nailazi na igru na jednoj od mreža pod nazivom Nakupci duša. U okviru igre virtuelnim novcem kupuju se i prodaju ljudske duše za određenu cenu (nalik na pets). Svako može da trguje, ali i da bude kupovan i prodavan ako pristane na to. Brad u svom dokoličarenju postaje sve uspešniji u igri i određenom trenutku poseduje preko dve stotine duša, čak uspeva da dobro zaradi unovčavajući virtuelni novac prerodajom na karticu. Kao i u drugim igrama kada se određeni status dostigne ljudi su zainteresovani da kupe za pravi novac bilo duše bilo određeni status u igri. Brad slučajno iz novina u kojima je opisana neka nesreća saznaje da je jedna od duša koju on poseduje čovek koji je umro pre nekoliko meseci. Istražujući bizarnost ovog događaja uskoro saznaje da se u igri trguje isključivo mrtvim ljudima i on prestrašeno shvata da je i sebe stavio na aukciju i čeka se trenutak njegove prve prodaje, status prodaje njegove duše prelazi iz žutog u zeleno i na kraju u crveno. Brad uspaničen napušta kuću sa svojim tabletom jer je preživeo jedan pokušaj ubistva u njoj. Bežeći i dalje otkrivajući ko stoji iza mreže otkriva užasnu istinu…

          During often visits to social networks on the internet, unemployed 30 year old Brad comes up to a game with the name of Soul Resellers. Within the game you can buy and sell souls for virtual money (just like in PETS). Everyone can trade, and if they want they can be sold or bought too. Brad becomes more and more successful in the game and in a time he possess more then 200 souls. He even makes a real money on the game because some of the players buy off from him for real money. Just like in MMO s on the www. Accidentally Brad reads some month old newspaper and realizes that some soul he owns is from a dead man killed in some horrible accident a month ago. He investigates further bizarre aspects of the game and comes to a conclusion that the souls that are in trad all come from dead people. He becomes frightened cause he also send the application to be sold in the game. His status is turning from yellow to green and finally to RED. He panics and runs away from home with his tablet after surviving  attack. He runs and investigates and comes to even worse scenario that he never expected...

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