Dani tuđe mladosti
Days Of Someone Else s Youth
Balkan 2014., 40 godina spucano u zadnjicu. Kud ideš, gde gledaš, šta očekuješ, čemu se nadaš. Prazno, prazno, prazno i prazno. Neko drugi je osetio mladost zadnjih dvadeset godina. Ja ne. Mene su lagali, varali, zanosili, zakidali, osiromašili, opljačkali. Mene su tukli, bombardovali, uništavali i trovali.
Ja nisam ja, ja to smo mi svi glupi Balkanci. Lako nas je prevariti, kada nas izdaju i varaju najbolji prijatelji i kumovi, kako je tek sa onima koji se igraju sa ovim Balkanom, a žive u EU, Americi, UK, Nemačkoj, Francuskoj. Kako je tek njima, jadnima, uplašenima. Oni ne razmišljaju o našoj nepostojećoj mladosti, oni žive svoje mladosti i svoje starosti ne osvrćući se kako je drugima. Njih je empatija zaobišla u velikom luku. Njih je ljudskost zaobišla. Oni su nam ukrali mladost preko korumpiranih i zlih ljudi koji se nazivaju balkanskim političarima. Kada sve sagledaš i staviš prst na čelo, njihova mladost je njihova, a naše mladosti, opet su njihove. Poput vampira oni konzumiraju tuđe živote kao svoju brzu hranu i svoje brze vesti i svoje brze aute i svoje brze zabave.
A šta rade toga nisu nikada bili svesni niti će ikada biti makar ja otupeo od pisanja. Makar svi mi Balkanci otupeli od pisanja. U zdravlje i na zdravlje!
Balkan 2014, 40 years gone up to my ass. Where do you go, where to look, what to expect, what to hope for. Empty, empty, empty and empty. Someone else had felt the youth in last 20 years. Not me. I was lied, cheated, carried away, robbed, made poor. I was beaten, bombed, destroyed and poisoned.
I am not me, I am all those stupid Balkan people. We are so easy to swindle, our best friends and godfathers betray us every day, so how it is for those who are not from Balkan. Oh poor them, they live in US, UK, EU, Germany, France. Oh poor them so modest and scared. They do not think about our non existed youth, they live their own youths and their senior years with no turning back to see who they left behind crippled. Their empathy does not exist. Their humanity does not exist. Through corrupt and evil people called politicians they stole our youth, oh dear, oh you pagan Balkan politicians. When you see all that put the finger on your forehead, their youth is their own, and all our youths are again their s. Like the vampires they consume lives of others, just like they consume fast food, fast news, fast cars and fast entertainment.
What else they can do when they are not conscious and they will never be. Oh I can write until my hand falls off. We Balkans can write until all our hands fall off. So cheers and in good health to all!
Mihailo Radoavljević
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