Koštana srž - Bone Marrow
Četiri starca starih prijatelja žive zajedno u staračkom domu. Život ih je razdvojio pre četrdeset godina i ponovo ih je spojio u starosti. Jedan drugom prebacuju gubitak kontakta i nemogućnosti druženja tokom perioda u kome se nisu videli. Ipak veseli su jer su zajedno i obnavljaju sećanja iz mladosti. Jednog dana pojavljuje se čudan bolničar od nekih četrdeset godina koji se polako upoznaje sa njima i brine za njih. Bolničar ih uveseljava, prepričava svoje avanture koje je doživeo putujući po svetu i razne ljubavne veze koje je imao tokom života. Kada jedan od četvorice staraca doživi šlog i ostane polusvestan bolničar mu tokom noći izloži čudan predlog. Nudi mu da ponovo proživi mladost. Uz nevericu on pristaje na to i priznaje svojim prijateljima dogovor za koji se oni zainteresuju. Sva četvorica se spremaju na isti dogovor sa bolničarem, ali dogovor ima svoju visoku cenu...
For old retired friends live together in a home for aged people. Life took them apart for past 40 years, and brought them together now. During gathering and stories about their past they blame each other for loosing contact among them. Still they are joy full and they renew their friendship. One day 40 year old medic comes to their home for aged people. In a few weeks he becomes their friend. He speaks about his adventures all over the world and his love affairs. One of the friends has stroke soon and he becomes half conscious and during one night medic makes a strange proposition. He offers him a chance to live his youth again. He does not believe him but he agrees and he talks about the proposition to his friends. They all become interested in the proposition and they want to make a deal with the medic, but the deal has a great price...
COMPOSING THE GATE - Komponujući kapiju
Mladi učenik velikog Mocarta dolazi svakodnevno na časove kod njega. Pomaže mu u pisanju njegovih poslednjih kompozicija. Uz put pokušava da napiše i neke svoje. Jednog dana Mocart mu saopštava da će uskoro napisati najbolju kompoziciju ikada, kompoziciju koja je više od muzike. Učenik pomaže svom učitelju iako ne razume pozadinu novog dela. Pri kraju pisanja dolazi do Mocartove kuće i zatiče ga na samrti. Mocart mu poslednjim snagama govori kako je otrovan i da delu nedostaju samo tri note kako bi bilo savršeno i kako će mu promeniti život, nakon poslednjeg upozorenja da se čuva i da će ga neko napasti uskoro veliki genije umire. Učenik u panici uzima sa sobom nedovršeno delo i beži iz Beča. Pripadnici tajne organizacije i zvaničnih vlasti tragaju za njim. Potera se produžava po Nemačkoj, Francuskoj, Italiji sve do jednog franjevačkog manastira u kome ga pronalaze i ubijaju. Ipak ne nalaze potpuno Mocartovo delo. Kompoziciji fali nekoliko strana. Dolazimo do današnjeg vremena. Mladi kompozitor, genije, po ocenama kritike i muzičkih stručnjaka novi Mocart, Eugen završava konzervatorijum u Beču. Nakon izvođenja svoje diplomske kompozicije, na žurci u njegovu čast, upoznaje mladu studentkinju muzike Tanju u koju se zaljubljuje. Nakon nekog vremena studentkinja nestaje put Nemačke ostavljajući mu zbunjujuću poruku da joj je život u opasnosti. On kreće za njom istim putem kojim je bežao mocartov mladi učenik. Kroz seriju intriga i opasnih situacija njih dvoje završavaju u istom franjevačkom manastiru u kome pronalazi Mocartovo nedovršeno delo i očaran pokušava da ga dovrši. Moćni ljudi iz pozadine, kao i crkveni moćnici čekaju na njegovo dovršavanje Mocartove kompozicije, dela koje će promeniti svet kakvim ga mi znamo...
Young student of famous Mozart comes to his teacher every day. He learns and helps Mozart to write his last compositions. He also tries to make some of his own. One day Mozart tells him that they will soon write his best work ever, music piece which is more then just a music. Student helps his teacher though he does not understand what it means. Near the end of writing he comes to his home and finds him dying. With the last breath Mozart tells him that he was poisoned and that composition needs only few notes to be perfect. When it is finished it will change his life forever but he has to run because someone wants him dead too. After that Mozart dies. Student runs from Vienna and takes unfinished composition with him. Members of powerful and secret organization chase him. Pursuit continues from Austria to Germany, then France and finally in Italy in Franciscan monastery. They find him there and they murder him. In present time young composer, genius, with best marks from musicians and critique a new Mozart, Eugen, ends conservatory in Vienna. After his concert, during party in his honor, he meets lovely student Tania and they fall in love. After few months she disappears leaving a note that her life is in danger and that she left for Germany. He follows her on the same route that Mozart s student went through. Through series of intrigues and danger situations those two are finally in the same monastery and they find Mozart s unfinished work there. He is overwhelmed and he tries to finish the composition. Powerful people from the same organization and also the church are waiting desperately for him to finish his work. The composition which will change the world as we know it....
Mihailo Radosavljević
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