Thursday, April 3, 2014

Gde su i najveći propali - Where The Greatest Had Fallen

         Izdrži, gledaj ravno, spavaj, jedi, radi, kupuj, prodaj, radi, jedi, spavaj, uvek iznova. Nema te muke koju čovek ne može da izdrži. Sve je protiv njega, a on se nesebično daje. Sve je protiv njega iako ne misli ništa loše. Sve je protiv njega iako je vredan i ljubazan i radan. Sve je protiv njega i sistem i žena i posao i šefovi i klijenti i deca. Sve to on izdrži, sve može, trajaće u inat svima, trajaće uprkos svima i svemu. Boriće se i protiv Boga ako mora, ali zbog jednog će pasti, samo zbog jednog. Pašće i predaće se kada ga izda sopstvena duša i sopstveni razum. Tada ništa više ne vredi i nema cenu tada on sigurno pada. To je mesto na kome su NAJVEĆI PALI...

          Hold on, look straight ahead, sleep, eat, work, buy, sell, work, eat, sleep, again and again. There are no hard stuff which man can not hold. Everything is against him, and he is not selfish, he gives himself. Everything is against him though he does not think anything bad and evil. Everything is against him though he is worthy and kind and good worker. Everything is against him, system, woman, job, bosses, clients, even children. He can survive that, he can survive everything, in spite of everyone. He will even fight The God Almighty if he has to, but there is one thing that can cause his fall. He will gave up and surrender if he is betrayed by his own soul and reason. Then nothing is worthy, nothing has price, then he surely falls. This is the place where the greatest had fallen...

Mihailo Radosavljević

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